
  1. lego_base.png
    Vision-based Camera/Robot Pose Estimation using Both Semantic and Geometric Features on LEGO Baseplates
    Shu-Hao Yeh, Shuangyu Xie, Wei Yan, and Dezhen Song
    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2023
  2. capm.png
    Coupled Active Perception and Manipulation Planning for a Mobile Manipulator in Precision Agriculture Applications
    Shuangyu Xie, Chengsong Hu, Di Wang, Joe Johnson,  Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, and Dezhen Song
    International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024
  3. flamer_robot_platform.png
    System and Algorithm for Robotic Weed Flaming Using a Quadruped Robot and a 6-Axis Manipulator
    Di Wang, Chengsong Hu, Shuangyu Xie, Joe Johnson, Hojun Ji, Yingtao Jiang, Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, and Dezhen Song
    International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024
  4. Dimenet.png
    Dynamic Intrinsic Parameter Rectification Network for Cameras with Optical Image Stabilization in Desktop Augmented Reality Applications
    Shuangyu Xie, Di Wang, Shu-Hao Yeh, Wei Yan, and Dezhen Song
    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2024
  5. pretouch.png
    A Pretouch Perception Algorithm for Object Material and Structure Mapping to Assist Grasp and Manipulation Using a DMDSM Sensor
    Fengzhi Guo, Shuangyu Xie,  Di Wang,  Cheng Fang,  Jun Zou, and  Dezhen Song
    International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023
  6. weed_spray.png
    Algorithm and System Development for Robotic Micro-Volume Herbicide Spray Towards Precision Weed Management
    Chengsong Hu, Shuangyu Xie, Dezhen Song, J. Alex Thomasson, Robert G. Hardin IV, and Muthukumar Bagavathiannan
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2022
  7. weed_detection.png
    Toward Robotic Weed Control: Detection of Nutsedge Weed in Bermudagrass Turf Using Inaccurate and Insufficient Training Data
    Shuangyu Xie, Chengsong Hu, Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, and Dezhen Song
    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021